East Lane County Commisioner race: 2014

by Mark Robinowitz, an East Lane citizen

it's a cold political reality that today no candidate can win election on a platform that respects the laws of physics on a finite planet.
-- Dave Gardner, "Who Will Get This Economy Moving? No One," Nov 05, 2012

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority it is time to pause and reflect.
-- Mark Twain

East Lane - most conservative

two years ago - Rob Handy - more liberal district - got 30% - Pat Farr won with 60%

assume it will be similar here

Matthews is smarter than Handy but has a more conservative district - Oak Ridge, Cottage Grove, Creswell, outskirts of Springfield

opposition to Stewart divided


only question is whether election decided on first round or not

likely decisions made on cultural grounds - long hair from Eugene vs. timber baron family member (decision on both sides)

Tom Lininger - old guard made him an offer he couldn't refuse

do any of the challengers have the organizational talent and courage to stand up to this?

Faye Stewart, incumbent Republican

not much need to say what his views are, part of logging family, supports deforestation, strip mines, corporate welfare for developers, and many more. It's a shame he's been in office but he does represent his district.


Kevin Matthews, Democratic challenger

best funded, best organized challenger

On rhetoric, I'd vote for him.

But remember Friends of Eugene - organization not mentioned in his literature or website.

three items:

West Eugene Porkway


Crandall Arambula - bulldozing FOE co-plaintiff, "you don't know what you're talking about"

West Eugene Wetlands Project - Pat Johnston, Bertelsen Nature Park

silent on the other highways, at least nothing on friendsofeugene (widening of I-5, Beltline, 126, etc)


Friends of Eugene Membership
Your membership, support, and contributions are essential to keep Friends of Eugene going!
Special Current Needs: Help with challenging the Garage Giveaway, with reclaiming downtown Eugene planning, and with costs of fighting the West Eugene Parkway (the WEP).
Any amount is appreciated, small or large!
-- www.friendsofeugene.org retrieved November 29, 2010, three and a half years after the Federal Highway Administration formally selected "No Build" for the WEP.

Friends of Eugene asking for money to stop the West Eugene Parkway three years after it was canceled


West Eugene Collaborative


Envision Eugene


also told on several occasions not to focus on energy depletion -

energy and climate are symptoms of the same problem - overshoot, but this is not a popular message for Democrat environmentalists



Peak Energy Denial

- smart growth yet moved out of Eugene to Dexter

might be good if growing food




email from Kevin:


Joanne Ernst

seems most grounded in rural living - farm in Kentucky

EWEB board member for one term

despite rhetoric about sustainability and forest protection, voted for Seneca incinerator contract

if there were great initiatives at EWEB about preparing for energy downslope it would be nice to know ...


Jose Ortal


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